Design-Tech on Jam-Tech
On the 9th of July, a Jam-Tech conference lead by Prof. Ezri Tarazi from Design-Tech Lab at the Technion was conducted for 55 high school teachers. The Jam-Tech is a new initiative by the Israeli Ministry of Education, lead by Einat Kritzman, is a new educational experiment that explores the benefit of combining high school students from 3 different disciplines such as Design, Electrical Engineering, Robotics and Computer Science together for a mutual project. This year the teachers from the various disciplines were conducting an experiment among themselves lead by Prof. Tarazi, producing a final project, and presenting it in the final conference. During the academic year, the teacher had 19 online meeting with Prof. Tarazi, with the help of a research assistant, Nofar Ken. At the conference was hosted at Ort Tivon technology high school, and included a visit to their new Maker Space.
Visit at the Maker Space at Ort Tivon and meeting the school manager